Integrative Consulting
Integrative Consulting My practice in Integrative Consulting uses a holistic methodology that attunes the mind, body and soul to the elemental rhythms found within nature. I work in a creative, organic and multi-tiered manner incorporating aspects of depth psychology,...
Enneagram one-to-one
Enneagram one-to-one Have you already attended an Enneagram introductory workshop or have some familiarity with the Enneagram? Would you like a personalized discussion about the Enneagram and your style? Contact Ryan Donahoe or Doug Mantha for more...
Integrative Body/Mind Counseling
Integrative Body/Mind Counseling Integrative Body/Mind Counseling sessions offer guidance toreconnect the body, mind, emotions, and spirituality in ways thatare simple and nourishing, enlivening and gentle. You will learnpractical skills that you can bring into your...